So I am now in Dexter, Maine and starting to settle in. Kenny and I drove up in my little car that had way to much stuff in it and two very unhappy cats. Our cats normally love the car but they could tell something was going on so they cried for the first 3 hrs. We left right after my horse got onto the trailer and it took us about 25 hours to drive. My horse made it about five hours after we did and was in great shape but happy to be off of the trailer. Kenny flew back to GA Tuesday to finish this semester but will be moving up to ME after. One thing was messed up though and that was my address. My landlord gave us the wrong address number by mistake. It is actually: 367 Ripley RD, Dexter ME 04930
Sara, Jef and Cyrus
Just grabbed these photos off of Facebook, which I think is getting way too much facetime over the Sink! (Remember, if you click the tiny FS button, bottom right, you can see them fullscreen.)
Recent LA visit from Grandma Barbara
Zombie Virus Outbreak in Topanga
Relatively small outbreak on Tuna Canyon Road. The problem has been “contained”.
Photo recap of Chris and Beth’s Wedding
This is a belated posting from early summer. Here is a slideshow of selected images from the event held in Cincinnati at the Krohn Conservatory in June 2010.
Down in the right hand corner of the slideshow frame there is an SL for in place slideshow, an FS for a beautiful full-screen showing of the pictures and don’t click the last one, it’s just an add for the software. Also, I was able to put captions on some–just click when you see a small italic “i” for information.
And here we go…….
Not to worry
Well, all of you who have been valiantly attempting to find out how to post to the Sink are not going crazy. And those of you who haven’t tried don’t even need to read further.
Due to a query from Olaf, I realized you all had signed up (10 and counting) as “subscribers” meaning you could read and comment. Not my intent at all: everyone is now a “contributor”. You may post with great abandon.
So, let’s see what you’ve got. I’ve got some updating to do but I’ll wait until we have some other contribution.
Question about adding pictures
Lindsay is asking how to integrate photos into posts on the sink. When you post you are in a window like the image below; note the colored area. When you mouse over it shows you to upload photos, videos, music or other media. Just click and follow the instructions. You should get a popup with From Computer at top. Click on Choose image and locate on your computer. I recommend putting your image on your desktop first to simplify things.

Wake up people!
Congratulations to the newest subscribers–all female by the way and I think we carry both genders in the family. It’s extremely easy to sign up and frequently I will be adding some interesting tidbits so take a minute and get in there!
The Sink is Reborn
Hello Family and Friends,
After a long period of inactivity, the Sink is back in action. I won’t bore you with the software etc., details. Coming soon, on a tab above (not fully functional yet) is the full archive of our lovely Sink since 2006.
Simply said, this should be the new improved Sink with easier access by all and with that perhaps greater individual participation. Check on the right hand sidebar for a section called META; click on register and you will quickly be able to choose your screen or user name (whatever you want) and then enter your email to be sent your password.
Next, you’ll retrieve a gobblydegook password from your email. Use it to LogIn (just copy it); immediately you can change it to something you are comfortable with. You can also add information to your profile, but not necessary.
Any questions, you know where to find me!